Friday, December 4, 2009

Springfield, MA - A Night to Remember?

Tonight we played Springfield, MA.  It was my second time to do "Annie" in this venue.  It is a beautiful older theater, however, the stage is a little small for all of our set pieces so we didn't have a "full show."  This doesn't really seem to effect the quality of the production or the audiences enjoyment of the show as they genuinely seemed to enjoy themselves.

As is often the case with "live theater" tonight's performance was filled with lots of little things that will make this performance one that we will all remember for a long time.  Drops that traveled at super slow speed, props knocked over, sprinting down stairs, under the stage, and back upstairs to make an entrance on the other side of the stage because there wasn't room backstage to cross from one side of the stage to the other.  All of these are things that as actors we are aware of and they effect the "how" of our performance.  Hopefully, they don't effect what the audience experiences.

Springfield is a beautiful town.  The church pictured here is across the street from the hotel.  Seeing the church with the nativity reminded me that we are in the midst of the holiday season!  Sometimes being on the road and living in hotels you forget to stop and take time to celebrate the season.  So to all my Christian friends out there, "Merry Christmas."  To my Jewish friends, "Happy Hanukkah."  And to all others, "Happy Holidays."   However you celebrate this magical season, may it be filled with many blessings.

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