Friday, September 19, 2008

Acting as a calling?

Tonight I saw a dear friend that I hadn't seen in a while. She asked how things were going and if I enjoyed touring. The typical questions I get from people. Then she asked if I felt that this was my "calling?" I hadn't really thought about that question. I was having so much fun living out my dream I hadn't thought of what I was doing as "calling." I had always thought of it as a "gift from God" but not necessarily a "Calling by God."

It is an interesting questions and I believe the best way to look at what has happened and is happening in my life. It also pulled up some old thoughts on theology and our relationship to God and each other.

I believe that God "calls" all of us. God "Calls" us to be lights in the darkness. God "calls" us to spread "The Word." God "calls" us to set the example.

In my own life I have done my best to live out that call in a variety of ways; as a carpenter, as a teacher, as a sales person, as a youth minister, again as a teacher, and now as an actor. (all of these are professions. I am omitting as parent, child, friend, etc. We are called in all aspects of our life and all of these are important.)

God calls us where we are to what we are capable of. And that call is always changing, growing, evolving. It isn't stagnant. As the world around us changes so can God's means of calling us. God's purpose it constant and steadfast. God's ultimate will doesn't change. Put God's call, God's way of blessing us, using us, empowering us, however you choose to word it changes as we change and as our world changes.

I have been blessed with the gift of living out my dream. I now hope to carry the Call of God with me as I live out that dream. My favorite moments from last years tour were those where I felt the hand of God. A comforted child, a big smile, a conversation with a stranger, sharing with a new friend, religious discussions with those who believe differently than I do, a quiet moment in a bus or on a stage, a gentle touch, a reunion with family and friends, and so much more.

In all of this I try and remember the blessings that have been heaped upon me and to remember that God has given me this and is calling me out of this. I have the chance by my actions and deeds to spread "the word." To share God's love. In a small way to be a part of changing our world.

Thanks to my dear friend for reminding me that God is "Calling." The question is "Will I follow."


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