Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Balmy Vancouver

Yesterday we arrived in Vancouver, BC, Canada and were welcomed by sunshine and warm least compared to where we have been. The weather here IS really nice with highs near 50 each day. Jolie and I went to lunch yesterday and spent an hour just walking around Vancouver. It is a beautiful city! Another one of the places I recommend everyone try and see if given the chance.

We opened the show tonight and went well as usual. (I wonder how many times I have written that in this blog?) The theatre is great and the audience was very receptive. After the show we had a Meet-n-Greet with a few folks. It is always nice to meet people after the show and hear their compliments. It helps to know that folks genuinely enjoy our efforts.

After the show I grabbed a bite to eat at the grocery next to the theatre. As I was leaving I ran into all the orphans in the show running across the street screaming. The dad of one of the girls had arranged for a limo that just happened to be driving by to take the girls back to the hotel so that they wouldn't have to walk. One of the moms said I should ride with them so me, the 7 orphans, and "Annie's" grandma rode back the 8 blocks to the hotel. The girls were so cute and excited. One of those moments I will cherish for the rest of my life.

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