Monday, April 27, 2009

Utica, New York

Wow, times fly. I didn't realize it had been so long since I last posted. It has been a very busy week for us. We have traveled over 2000 miles since I last blogged and played in Fayetteville, NC, Shippingsburg, PA and Toledo, OH. It was a very difficult week with the travel over such long distances. With that travel stress was high. But as with most things we weathered the storm, did the show, and continue on the journey we know as "Annie."

A couple of revelations hit me this week. The first being that even as wonderful as performing professionally is we begin to take it and each other for granted. We all need to be reminded of our connectedness, of the fact that we all need each other and are all in this together. We need to be about encouraging each other every day.

Second, in Toledo I got a glimpse at how much this economic downturn is really effecting people. It is easy to dismiss when all you see is news of corporations and banks struggling. But when you see a little girl told by her mom that she can't have the "Sandy Dog" or the souvenir program because they "costs too much" you begin to realize that this recession isn't just about money and jobs, it is about people. Every person with the power to do something about this economy of ours should have to look into that little girls eyes and explain to her why they keep fighting with each other instead of working together to solve these problems. (Is that too political? Sorry.)

We are in Utica tonight where we have shows tomorrow and Wednesday. I took a walk through the downtown area and found it to be very quaint and interesting. It is odd to finally see a city that I have talked about for two years now.

We have a reception here tomorrow which should be fun. It is always nice to be treated to special events in the city's where we perform. It will also be nice to only have one bus trip this week!

Seven weeks of tour left and then it will be on to the next step on this journey. I can't wait!

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