Saturday, February 7, 2009

More of the Same

It has been a while since I posted here so I thought I should check in and get everyone up to date (actually my wife scolded me for not posting regularly.)

Since I last posted we have been to Spokane, Washington, Butte and Boseman, Montana, stopovers (no performances) in Cheyenne, Wyoming and Denver Colorado and Avon, Colorado and Farmington, New Mexico.

All in all it has been a very routine week. The performances have gone well as always and audiences continue to enjoy themselves. We have had the challenge of performing at extreme altitudes this week. All of these stops have been in the mountains or high altitudes which has been far more taxing than one might imagine. Alto was 10,000 feet above sea level and made breathing through the dances and songs a little more challenging than usual.

The best part of the past week has been the scenery. All of the places we have been have been breathtaking in their own ways. Washington, Montana and Colorado are some of the most beautiful places on Earth. I have always loved the Rocky Mountains and this week has only increased my admiration of their amazing beauty.

Avon is near Vale, Colorado and very exclusive. A "suite" at the resort there which is basically just a glorified hotel room goes for as much as $23,000 a week! (Yes, $23,000 is correct, not a typo.) After the show in Avon on Thursday we had to drive two hours to our hotel. On the way down the mountain we almost ran over several very large Elk and deer. They would just stand in the road and seemingly dare us to challenge them. They were beautiful but trying not to hit them with the bus was a bit terrifying.

Also leaving Avon we drove on the typical mountain road with steep cliffs and drop-offs. In the bus we could look out the window straight down into the dark nothingness of the severe drop offs. I made the mistake of announcing the presence of these cliffs to those around me. Several of them immediately became overwhelmed with fear and there were a few tense moments as we navigated the steep terrain.

Tomorrow we leave at 6:30 for Alto, New Mexico so I guess I better try and get some sleep.

Yes, Cay, I will try and be more regular in my posts.

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