Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Calgary and Winnepeg

Well, we finished up in Calgary on Sunday night. The audiences there were great and the shows went really well. I am glad to be out on the road again because I ate way too much while I was in Calgary. I gained about 5lbs in that one week according to the scales! Ouch! Ah, well back to the diet.

Monday we left to head to Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada with a stopover in Regina where we will be Thursday through Saturday with two shows on Saturday and a Golden Day (day off with no show or travel) on Friday.

Tonight we are in Winnipeg where it has been snowing all day and is suppose to get down to -31 degrees - Celsius. That is about -23 degrees Fahrenheit. I don't think I have ever been in weather that cold. It actually doesn't feel that bad if you don't stay out too long and stay out of the wind. The snow has kept the temperatures up so the predictions may be off. I do know that when we got here it was 2 degrees Fahrenheit.

Anyway, the show went well tonight. It is always fun to open in a new city. It is like an opening night all over again without the anxiety which makes it a lot of fun. On top of that I got to do a Meet-and-greet with some contest winner before the show. There were several little kids there and one Down Syndrome child there that stole my heart. When I was teaching at Pope John Paul II High School in Hendersonville, TN I taught 3 students with Down Syndrome that were a part of a special program there. I hope they are all doing well. If I am not mistake they will graduate this year! (if not last year? Funny how you lose track of time.)

The hotel here in Winnipeg is really, really nice. We are in very large two room suites with full kitchens. Living that this will only get us spoiled. I anticipate hearing some complaints about future accommodations in comparison. Ahh, life on the Road!

Layoff starts in two weeks! I will be home Tuesday, March 24. Cay and I are available for dinner and lunch if anyone out there wants to visit. With only a few days I know I won't get to see everyone but hope to catch as many as possible. I will be at church on that Sunday so all you Methodists I expect to see in worship!

As to the China leg of the tour, I should be able to report something on that before the layoff on March 24. It is all still up in the air what with the economy in the mess it is.

Well, that is all for now. Happy Fat Tuesday!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

count mac and i in on dinner :D if you are not overwhelmed with fans. ;)