Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Well, I am now in Detroit spending some time with my wife after a wonderful weekend in Providence, RI.  The weather there was great and the city is really wonderful.  Very beautiful and some great places to eat.  This is another of those places I will have to return to in order to see more of it as there just wasn't enough time to take it in.

Thursday night most of the company went to the Circus.  It was a lot of fun and was good to do something with each other just for fun.  Thanks to Bill for getting us the discount and arranging it all.

I had another of those moments when I am reminded why I continue to do this crazy thing we call touring.  After the show on Friday a mom brought her daughter over to meet me.  "She just wanted to meet Daddy Warbucks" the mom told me.  I signed her program book and had my picture taken with the little girl.  As I was getting up the girl grabbed my neck and gave me the biggest hug I had gotten in a long time.

In a world filled with so much darkness, despair and ugliness, it is an amazing thing to witness and be a a part of such unbridled joy and passion.  This little girl has inspired this actor and I know now that I will survive the final six weeks of tour with an improved attitude and a brighter demeanor.  My thanks go out to this little girl and her mom for being by "Annie" and filling me with joy, hope, and optimism.

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