Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Wonderful Night In Utica

We had a great opening tonight in Utica! The theatre here is beautiful! It was originally built in 1929. They ran out of money and let parts of it unfinished, such as the chandelier that was only a single bulb until the renovation last year. They spent 20 million dollars upgrading the theatre and remodeling it and it turned out amazingly well. The stage house is magnificent, the dressing rooms are wonderful and the house is beautiful. They also threw us a big after show party! It was the best this year so far and went a long way to lifting every ones spirits on the road.

We also got to see one of last years orphans who was at the show tonight. It was so good to see her and her mom. I continue to be amazed at how much these young ladies grow and mature in a year and at what beautiful and gracious young women they have become.

Needless to say, Utica is now one of my favorite stops on tour! Who ever said that Yankee's don't know how to be hospitable never visited Utica!

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