Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Manhattan, Kansas?

Well, we have left the sun and warmth of San Francisco and the west coast for the frigid temperatures and wide open spaces of the "Little Apple,"  Manhattan, Kansas, home to Kansas State University.  We will perform here tonight before heading in further east and into what may be a blizzard in Philadelphia, PA.

We met a professor at KSU on the flight in from Dallas last night who was very excited to meet the cast and has bought a ticket to see the show tonight.  It still amazes me as this show continues to effect people and how excited even adults get at the chance to meet the cast and see the show.  It is flattering, and humbling, and both a great priviledge and a huge responsibility.  And it has been a constant joy!

The highlight of Manhattan thus far as been a trip to Buffalo Wild Wings!  It was wing night and they had some other great specials so it was a really great night!  I tease and make fun but it really was fun.  Today I did laundry, another highlight of tour.

I am a little concerned about our flight to Philli tomorrow evening as they are forecast to get a huge snowfall.  I know that their airports are more accustomed to the in climate weather but that doesn't calm my spirit much.  My fear is we will be delayed and then have to make up the dates after tour is over.  At least that is what I think would happen.  But as my wife would tell me, no sense worrying about something that hasn't happened and that we don't have any control over anyway.

I am looking forward to the end of tour with mixed emotions.  I won't get into it yet except to say that, yes, I am looking forward to it being over and being at home, and yes, I will miss it terribly and wish it would never end.

But for today, the play will go on and the "Dream" continues.  So, I am off to "live the dream."

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