Friday Night was a great night as we did our first preview performance before an audience. While official opening night isn't until Nov. 18 in Raleigh, NC, for those of us here in Orange Park, FL tonight was the REAL DEAL! We had a great audience here at the Thrasher Horne PAC and everyone in the cast gave a great performance! After 260+ performances last year I didn't know I would feel the same excitement I did a little over a year ago on opening night. While it wasn't "the same" it was very exciting.
There is nothing that can compare to hearing an audience laugh, cry and applaude as you work on stage. There is also no way to describe it for those who have never experienced. It is a high like no other. After the show our director was very pleased. I don't remember his exact words, but I remember thinking "that is the biggest complement he has ever given me." It felt great to have my work so appreciated by someone of Martin's ability and reputation.
This afternoon we had our final preview performance. It was another great audience and the show went well although I didn't feel as good about my individual performance. As a cast we are still struggling to get consistancy in our performances. The fatigue factor doesn't help any either. It will be good to have two days away from the show, even if one is on the bus.
There are alot of great moments in the show. Those of you who saw it last year and get to see it again this year will undoubtedly notice some of the changes. On a personal level I feel as I have grown tremendously in my portrayal of Oliver Warbucks from last year to this. It is a lot of little things that most people won't notice but thing I think you might notice is the difference in the approach to "Something was Missing." Little changes can make big differences. Martin call it being "less actory." I call it being relaxed and confident. I will let you all be the judge.
The political jokes and pokes are getting much bigger reactions this year. Orange Park is largely a Republican town so they love the digs at Democrats. I fully expect that in Democratic areas such as New Hampshire and New York that they will find the same jokes equally amusing but from a different view point. It is amazing how we can see the same thing so differently. No wonder politicians have such a hard time getting anything done.
Tomorrow we get on the BUS for our trip to Raleigh, NC. There is a strange comfort in getting on the bus for me. It becomes a part of your routine and I have come to appreciate the time. While not always comfortable or enjoyable it is oddly comforting and relaxing. It also carries the promise of new adventures!
Monday is a Golden Day meaning no travel and no show or rehearsal. We have the entire day to ourselves. I will be exercising, picking up Cay at the airport, and grocery shopping.
Then Tuesday is our official opening night! And now the ADVENTURE BEGINS!
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