Wednesday we were in Hamlet, NC. It was a very pretty auditorium in a very small town. It is amazing to me how many little places have really nice theatres. I keep hoping our city officials will see this and be motivated to build something like one of these in Hendersonville. It would be a large investment but well worth it in the long run. And I know someone who would love to run it for them!
Thursday we traveled to Lowell, MA and had Thanksgiving dinner together. It was a good night but did not come close to taking the place of being at home with family.
Today we were in New London, CT. Another older theatre built in the 1920's. It was a beautiful auditorium but also very small stage. We were able to use most of our drops but on the orphanage or the stairs. It was well received. This smaller venues are some of our best audiences. They sell lots of tickets and the audiences are very responsive.
This was our second day of two day shows in different venues. With the travel this is very difficult and tiring but nothing compared to what it is like for our crew who have to strike and set up within just a few hours. Friday our last show ended at 9:45. The crew then spent 3 hours loading out the set, drove for two hours and arrived in New London at about 3:00 a.m. At 5:00 a.m. they started setting up for the 3:00 show in New London. They are amazing. And they have to do that again tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow it is going to be a very long day so, so long for now.