Monday, November 24, 2008

Week One - Raleigh, NC

Well, last night we closed in Raleigh, NC and we are now headed to Hamlet, NC. The week in Raleigh went well. We had OK audiences as far as size is concerned and those who attended really enjoyed the show. We got a standing ovation every night with thunderous, genuine applause. This is important because it is the way we, as performers, judge our success. If the audience leaves happy, uplifted and in good spirits, then we have done our job. Here is picture of the house at Raleigh. The two folks in the front are our merchandisers, Mark and Lacey. They are the ones who sell you the souvenirs.

We did have several mishaps here in Raleigh. Moustaches that wouldn't stay on, flying wigs, and a few other "incidents" that will not be named here. We managed to maintain our characters and our poise through it all and the audiences often didn't realize they were mistakes and when they did they moved on through it with us. Made for an interesting week and lots of dressing room talk.

The local crew here was really great. They made us feel at home and did everything in their power to make our show and our stay a good one.

Cay was here most of the week which was great. We got to spend some quality time together and she got to meet many of the people I will be traveling with. It is a great group of people. I am still getting to know them but I am certain that we will all have a grand time.

I have done a poor job of taking pictures on this tour thus far so my objective this week is to get out the camera and get some pictures to post here so that you all can get a glimpse at life on the road with Annie.

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